Since you say that the E-mail does not get sent I would assume you
have an error in your error handler. Try simplifying the error E-mail
to send "hello world" to see if that works. If that works, build up
the code incrementally until it breaks.

Check all your log files to get hints on what the secondary error is.

The suggestions made by Qing Xia seem good.

-Mike Chabot

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Tim Do <> wrote:
> We just upgraded to cf9 and my error handling is no longer working the way it 
> used to.  In my application.cfm I have:
> <cferror type="request"
>            template="errorPage.cfm"
>            mailto="">
> and within errorPage.cfm I have:
> <cfmail to="" from="" subject="InSite Error 
> Log" type="HTML" server="#Variables.sEmailServer#">
>    Error:<br>
>            <cfdump var="#error#" label="Error message">
>            Session:<br>
>    <cfdump var="#session#" label="Session scope"><br>
>            Client:<br>
>    <cfdump var="#client#" label="Client scope"><br>
>            Application:<br>
>            <cfdump var="#application#" label="Application scope"><br>
>            Request:<br>
>    <cfdump var="#request#" label="Request scope"><br>
>            Form:<br>
>    <cfdump var="#form#" label="Form scope"><br>
>            Url:<br>
>    <cfdump var="#url#" label="URL scope"><br>
>            Cookie:<br>
>    <cfdump var="#cookie#" label="Cookie scope"><br>
> </cfmail>
> The page error shows up fine with my error notice, BUT the cfmail section it 
> just displays :
> Error:
> Session:
> Client:
> Application:
> Request:
> Form:
> Url:
> Cookie:
> Without the variables, and the email does not go out.  Why would it display 
> the code inside of the cfmail tags instead of sending??  All other cfmail 
> tags work fine throughout the site.
> Thanks!

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