If anyone has been following my posts I am working with a COM object to create 
PDFs.  I place images, text etc on the PDF at exact places (x/y coordinates) 
using ActivePDF.
Now I am reading up on using COM objects and there is the releaseComObject 
function that I can call to dump the resources of the object.  The 
documentation says I don’t have to use it that the garbage collection will 
eventually clean things up.
I want to break my code into a CFC with many functions.  CreateBlankPDF, 
PlaceImage, PlaceText, SavePDF etc.  All the time the COM object (probably 
saved as a session variable) will be activated and my CFC functions will have 
access to the COM objects methods (at least that is what I want to do, we will 
see if it works).
If the COM object is not killed and I have two people working on the website 
will their PDF’s collide?  One user will get their peanut butter in the other 
users chocolate and one will get their chocolate in the other users peanut 
butter (reeses cup reference for those youngsters)?
I will start breaking it up and try setting it as a session variable and see 
what happens, but if anyone has any clue let me know.
If I can’t get the COM object to store as a session or application variable I 
will probably end up storing the created PDF name as a session variable and 
each function will go open that PDF and add the image, text etc then save the 
PDF back down.  Probably a safer way of doing things.

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