> So as long as I have the correct permissions on the CF install directory and
> on the directories containing my content (in and out of the actual web
> root), I'm good, right? No need to set any permissions on the Windows
> directories at all?

If you create a new user account as a member of the Local Users group,
it will have Read permissions on the Windows directories. I think CF
may need that, but honestly I'm not sure it does.

> The old KB article also says to give the user full control of the registry
> Is that still necessary? Was it ever?

If you were (or presumably are) storing Client variables in the
Registry, CF needs to be able to write to a subkey within there. My
answer to that is, don't store Client variables in the Registry - it's
just a bad idea.


Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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