I think that there is also a difference between "requires a CF server"
and "requires Adobe Coldfusion 9". I appreciate some of the
integration with CF9. However, I also still do work on CF8 and an
increasing amount on Railo.  Railo adoption seems to be on the uptick
and that is something to consider. CFEclipse does not have the same
integration features that CFBuilder does for CF9. On the other hand,
CFEclipse works exactly the same way regardless of which CFML engine I
am using.  I suppose that I could use CFBuilder for CF9 and CFEclipse
for CF8 and Railo, but that seems rather messy to me.

And neither CFBuilder nor CFEclipse will really make me happy as an
IDE until it is able to find the methods and method signatures of CFCs
that I inject into my handlers via autowire DI. If you could do that,
well, then you might start justifying a price tag on the level of
Visual Studio.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Adrocknaphobia
<adrocknapho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the input Wil. I agree with you on 1, 2 and 5. These were all
> features that we researched and discussed throughout the development of
> Bolt. Unfortunately, other features were rated a higher priority so we had
> to push these into Storm (CB2).
> We knew from the beginning that there would be no way we could cover every
> feature from CFEclipse, Dreamweaver and HomeSite/Studio in our initial
> release. In fact, that's why we began planning for CB2 and CB3 months ago.
> Glad to hear that we're headed in the right direction.
> As far as performance goes, it's something we are tracking very closely. I
> can say that each subsequent build gets faster and faster. In between
> releases we'll be refactoring a large part of the editor in an attempt
> to dramatically boost performance.
> As far as extensions that don't require a CF server... do you do much
> ColdFusion development without a ColdFusion server? Either way, CB is based
> on Eclipse, so you can write plugins in Java that don't require CF at all.
> -Adam
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Wil Genovese <jugg...@visi.com> wrote:
>> Adam,
>> 1. Mylyn Integration.....Yes it's that important
>> http://cfbugs.adobe.com/bugreport/flexbugui/cfbugtracker/main.html#bugId=77480
>> 2. Proper code folding - See cfeclipse or even Homesite to know what I
>> mean.
>> (here's a few items)
>> http://cfbugs.adobe.com/bugreport/flexbugui/cfbugtracker/main.html#bugId=78902
>> http://cfbugs.adobe.com/bugreport/flexbugui/cfbugtracker/main.html#bugId=77374
>> 3. Extensions that DON'T require a CF server to be attached - Homesite had
>> this.
>> 4. SPEED - so far she's a bit sluggish captian an I'm given'r all she's
>> got.
>> 5. And look at my feature requests here
>> http://cfbugs.adobe.com/bugreport/flexbugui/cfbugtracker/main.html#bugId=77440
>> I use CFBuilder all day everyday.  Overall not to bad.  There are a fair
>> number of reports about CFB being slow in certain tasks.  And I experience
>> this.  It is also painfully slow with SVN integration; SubClipse or
>> Subversive.  However, it is faster on my MacBook Pro than my Win XP Pro
>> work
>> computer.  And this is not perceived time, but actual measured time and
>> really only in VERY VERY large CF applications.  I'm not sure if this is
>> purely the SVN client at issue or if it is the integration of the SVN
>> client
>> and CFB.  Heck it could even be the crappy Windows file system as compared
>> to the OS X file system.  BY large SVN Repo I mean 58,000+ files in 17,000+
>> folders and somewhere around 400+Mb.  Yes, our app is that big.
>> At this point - I'd pay maybe $99 tops for CFB.
>> Thanks,
>> Wil Genovese

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