
We are creating a new website and i have to lay down the architecture for that. 
Its basically a reporting tool which will fetch data from DB and display. The 
data can be few records to Thousands of records depending on search criteria. 
we have to create about 15 reports. The client wants a strong archetecture.

So which one of these would be a better choice. More basic requirements are-
1. Once the data is fetched, i would like to reuse that instead of going to DB 
again and again.
2. AJAX capability.
3. Exporting data to PDF, EXCEL.
4. Creating Mailing Lists/Labels and Sending emails thru the application
5. Use stored procedures
6. Easy to scale in case client wants new repots to be created.

Experienced users, Your urgent reply is highly appreciated with a reason. I 
need to make a decision very soon. also which one is simpler to implement of 
these two as we also dont have much time just to create the architecture?


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