I understand the legal ramifications very well - very well versed in it all
- I use to design Internet Banking Apps (GUI - not backend) and I am a
reseller of Authorize.net... It's in my best interest to use them and I push
them continually. I get all your points and agree 100%. I understand it's in
everyone's best interest to steer them towards some third party solution.
Yep. I know. Got it. 

However, I do not feel "walk away from the client" is necessarily the right
answer here or very constructive. I mean - cripes - can't we just explore it
from an academic perspective?? What if I want to store "something else" as
securely as credit card data. Like a cookie recipe.

Someone mentions CC's or SSN's and everyone freaks out and tells you to call
their lawyer. Well - ok - that's all fine and dandy - point taken - let's
move on - that kind of talk doesn't really address the honest question of  -
- How could you Actually do it responsibly? 

>From what I gather so far, the steps may be:
1) Make sure the connection is SSL (Obviously)
  A) Is there a way to verify the connection is secure (or that the SSL
hasn't expired?)
2) Save the "Cookie Recipe" in a DB (at the Final Step of Processing)
  A) Encrypted with "above industry standards"  (TBD?)
  B) Data possibly broken into two parts (maybe separate tables as well?)
  C) Encryption Key is stored separately - Not on web server - or DB Server
(Other comp on same Network? Other DB on the same server??)

So the question is Where? How? How does a public/private key system work?
(User has to type in "a key" each time they view data? Could the key be a
static thing only the Company Admin knows? Like an additional password the
need to see the recipe??)

What if the key lived on a separate web server at a different location -
could you call the key in real time with an SSL http call for encryption???

And Maureen - calling my clients idiots is unfair. Only I get to call them

Thanks to all for your constructive advice.

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