To update the list, codesion has no free account, lowest cost ($6.99)
is effective for use and it looks like it has a range of tools. They
seem more fine grained on features including a limit on bandwidth.

Michael Dinowitz

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Michael Dinowitz
<> wrote:
> I'm looking at offsite subversion repositories and I'd like to hear
> the pros and cons from people who may have used them. The question is
> more towards tools and usage than anything else. This is what I have:
> Assembla - no real free account, needs the $49 account to be
> effective, what are the tools like?
> Beanstalk - free account, lowest cost ($15) is effective for use, not many 
> tools
> unfuddle - free account, lowest cost ($9) is effective for use, though
> it'll fill up fast, looks like a good spread of tools
> codespaces - no free account, lowest cost ($2.99) is effective for
> use, looks like it has a LOT of tools
> xp-dev - free account (with ads), lowest cost ($5) is effective for
> use, looks like a lot of tools
> The free xp-dev or unfuddle both look like something that anyone
> should get into using. The minimum codespaces looks better than either
> of the free options. The minimum xp-dev has so much unlimited (users,
> projects, etc.) that it kind of blows the others away. So which is
> best? Which has the best tools (in your opinion). Step up to the plate
> and let us all know.
> Thanks
> --
> Michael Dinowitz

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