> But why not do the conversion on the Access side before migrating to
> MySQL? In Access you can simply rename the tables to the case you use
> in your queries before you convert them.

IIRC there is a setting in my.cnf that will automatically lower case table

To turn it off you have to set it to 0

I think that the default setting is to lower case table names... It was a
while back so forgive me if I am hazy on the details.

More details can be found here:


The way I got a round it was to either do a search and replace and lower
case the table names in the code or to change the table names in the
database using a MySQL GUI. Again, I forget the details, I was in a bit of a
rage at the time. ;)



On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Jochem van Dieten <joch...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> > Have you tried talking to your hosting provider, and switch case
> sensitivity
> > off for your database?
> That is not a per-database setting. Once you have it set to some
> setting and have clients on it, a hosting provider is committed and
> can not change it anymore.
> But why not do the conversion on the Access side before migrating to
> MySQL? In Access you can simply rename the tables to the case you use
> in your queries before you convert them.
> Jochem
> --
> Jochem van Dieten
> http://jochem.vandieten.net/

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