If you are using CF8 or CF9 - I'd looked into what can be done with
cfthread. And I would not put that into the Application.cfm  (should be
using Application.cfc anyways - you can do more with it), that kind of code
should be executed from your controller for every page request.  Spawn the
thread at the beginning of the request then gather the results in at the end
of the request.

Another way is to use AJAX.


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:22 PM, Matthew Smith <chedders...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have some code that I would like to run with each page request, but it
> might take a while and I'd like to not have to wait for it to finish
> running.
> So basically, I'd like to initiate a template in Application.cfm, without a
> cfinclude.  Is this possible?
> This will be on crystaltech, a shared hosting enviroment, so please keep in
> mind the tag restrictions.

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