> there is a good reference to the effects of this, apparent memory leaks
> here:
> http://www.schierberl.com/cfblog/index.cfm/2006/10/16/memoryLeak_variablesScope

I wonder if his test has been repeated in CF9. I would expect that
what he saw was fixed. If not, then people would be setting component
references to "" in every high end application and framework.

> it is only if you copy the result somewhere that you get the reference
> that gets saved. YOu can "unsave" it by rewriting the variable the
> reference is in.

But doing so does not free up memory during the request, so the point
seems moot, unless the variables scope memory leak Mike mentioned
still exists.

I just tried to run a 20,000 iteration loop with each iteration
instantiating a cfc and invoking a method to run a query (which was
stored in the local scope). Nothing returned from the method and no
reference to the cfc, the method, or it's data kept. The memory used
by CF grew during the whole time the request was running and did not
shrink in the least. This implies no memory re-usage within a request,
which seems to be the consensus.

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