Gabriel O.K. I fixed the problem with the cfdump having two vars and no label but prior to reading your post showing my oversight I tried to do some file logging as shown below. The results of the top call to logEntry show in the file but the results of the second call do not. This occurred with cflocation as well. Once it gets to that line it doesn't go past it in the .cfm
<cfset local.logEntry = "specialDebugging-local.desiredEvent-from-redirect-scheduled-task.cfm=" & local.desiredEvent /> <cfset logEntry("flexcomm-schedule-results","specialDebugging",local.logEntry) /> <cfhttp method="get" url="#local.desiredEvent#"> <cfset local.logEntry = "specialDebugging-AFTER CFHTTP-from-redirect-scheduled-task.cfm=" /> <cfset logEntry("flexcomm-schedule-results","specialDebugging",local.logEntry) /> cfhttp = <cfdump var="#cfhttp#" label="cfhttp"> <cfabort /> Bryan >Did you declare "var" twice in your cfdump like posted? I'd remove the >second "var" as it may not like that. > >- Gabriel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: