I guess FarCry is the biggest, meanest CF-CMS-machine out there, but also the 
most overhead.

Mura can do a lot for you, but might also be overkill. Why not see of BlogCFC 
or MangoBlog can do the thing your client wishes?

Anything Adobe might also mean "as long as it's a CFML-product", so anything 
that runs on Railo as well is a good option.

Try to see how small you can start before falling into the overloaded CF-CMS's.

And if you can specify more, might I also suggest our small, but excellent 
Onlinebase CMS? It's a SAAS app, situated on servers in the Netherlands and 
England, but available for all our customers whereever in the world they might 
be ;-)

Sebastiaan Naafs - van Dijk
Nye Windows 7: PCen som passer for deg. Finn ut mer.

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