I have a situation where i need to display info from two queries on the same 
row of a table.  Here is the background, each person in a database table has a 
name and ID which is then linked to another table that lists pets.  Each person 
can have as many as 4 pets.  Now i need to display the ID, name, and each pet 
on the same row of table, preferably with the pets all listed in the same cell. 
 I'm not that experienced with ColdFusion so my first attempt looked like this:

<cfquery datasource="#dsn#" name="person">
  FROM tblPerson
  <cfoutput query="person">
      <cfquery datasource="#dsn#" name="pets">
        SELECT *
        FROM tblPets
        WHERE ownerID = #person.ID#
      <cfoutput query="pets">

If you've read this far, i'm sure you know this won't work but i hope can see 
what i'm trying to do.  Please help if have any solutions 

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