Hi Brandon,

1) Use a cfloop in place of a cfoutput tag for the inner loop.
2) in situations like these I recommend also scoping your variables, eg. the
pets in the inner loop would be #pets.pet#
3) in general your approach should be revisited, mainly because it will
create and execute a new query for each row returned by query "person",
consider performing a join operation and reducing your approach to have only
one query.

Hope that helps,

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 4:32 PM, brandon kennedy <laxtwenty...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have a situation where i need to display info from two queries on the
> same row of a table.  Here is the background, each person in a database
> table has a name and ID which is then linked to another table that lists
> pets.  Each person can have as many as 4 pets.  Now i need to display the
> ID, name, and each pet on the same row of table, preferably with the pets
> all listed in the same cell.  I'm not that experienced with ColdFusion so my
> first attempt looked like this:
> <cfquery datasource="#dsn#" name="person">
>  FROM tblPerson
> </cfquery>
> <table>
>  <cfoutput query="person">
>    <tr>
>      <td>#ID#</td>
>      <td>#name#</td>
>      <cfquery datasource="#dsn#" name="pets">
>        SELECT *
>        FROM tblPets
>        WHERE ownerID = #person.ID#
>      </cfquery>
>      <cfoutput query="pets">
>        <td>#pet#<br></td>
>      </cfoutput>
>    </tr>
>  </cfoutput>
> </table>
> If you've read this far, i'm sure you know this won't work but i hope can
> see what i'm trying to do.  Please help if have any solutions

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