On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 8:04 PM, Casey Dougall <
ca...@uberwebsitesolutions.com> wrote:

> OK Plain and simple... Why ColdFusion builder should be FR$$!
> And these clients in return purchase ColdFusion. We are their Marketing in
> this department. It's in Adobe's best interest to allow ColdFusion
> Developers access to tools that assist with development on their platform,
> because it actually costs money to install on the server.
> Look at Flex, Flash, ActionScript.... These platforms or whatever are
> available on X amount of computers around the world, at no additional cost
> to the client or the developer.
> Two totally different business models.
> Look at how Macromedia did it... ColdFusion Report Builder is FREE! Totally
> separate product that can be used in conjunction with one of products you
> have to pay to install on a device... ColdFusion
> Yes, you should pay for anything that needs to interact with their FREE
> scripting languages, but not the paid for ones!
> Every ColdFusion license should come with 1 Builder License.
> Separate license that can be given out as promotional value to a new
> developer who is interested in CFML. They in return, start using it, love
> it, and tell their clients to install it on their server. $$$
> They don't need to do that with their other languages, it's a given so the
> fact that you need to purchase a development tool there is a given.
> ColdFusion, not so much so.

Sorry, forgot to re-read that one. Got caught up in the marketing aspect in
my little though cloud there and hit send. That and moving at end of month,
I should be packing instead of writing. Should I use Monitor boxes to pack
my monitors for a move across town, or use them to pack other things? LOL

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