On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 5:10 PM,  wrote:
> +1 on this feature.  I also use ColdBox and autowire most of my objects
> in.  I know some things are impossible with a dynamic language like CF,
> but I'd be willing to right click on a variable name in a CFC and
> specify the CFC that it is an instance of and have CFB somehow remember
> that if it would mean I could type variables.mySerivce. and have the
> list of methods pop up.

Now /this/ is where things get interesting!

The "framework explorer" is the place to put this logic in CFE.  No
clicking needed, all automatic-stylez.

While that doesn't help CFB out at all, what I'd like to see is both
editors offering extension points that somehow allow us to have one
version of the framework explorer (split back off into it's own
plugin) that could contribute to both.

Probably impossible, currently, but still.

It would be soooooo cool if we could find some stuff that both the
Open Source Community and Adobe could sorta collaborate on, while
still furthering the individual goals of each project.

FWIW, I've split out a lot of the things in CFE that might be useful
in places besides Eclipse (the dictionaries, the formatter, the
parser, and a deal for storing cfml project-related info) into their
own projects.

This will provide a base for things like code-coverage tools and
whatnot to leverage, which I feel is important to CFML as a language,
and has been lacking thus far.

For the peeps.


Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.

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