It couldn't save Netscape because there was nothing to save.  Netscape was
POS at that point and that was why it lost out.  That's what happens when
the company that buys you out and then puts you on the back burner for 4
years.  IE and Netscape were pretty much nose to nose when AOL bought
Netscape.  Netscape languished in a back room at AOL while IE kept moving
forward.  It had nothing to do with any supposed bad business practices, it
was all about IE being better than it's competitors. 

I don't think this is apple saying no to flash (correct me if I am wrong)
but adobe not producing flash for it yet.  They don't even have a 64 bit
version of it for Win 7.

It's also not on the Android phones yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Brady [] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 9:29 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion Builder Released!

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Casey Dougall
<> wrote:
> What about Developers? Is their something they could do about this? I
> write flex or flash sites myself BUT for the growing community out
> Isn't this something that could lead to a class action lawsuit against
> platforms that don't allow flash? From the Developer Community as a whole?

On what grounds?  There's no legal right to have Flash on the iPhone.
Maybe you could argue anti-trust violations, but despite all the buzz
about the iPhone, it's still a relatively small percentage of the cell
phone market. Even in smartphones, it's (based on the last stats I can
find) 40%.  Large? Yes.  Enough to argue it's a monopoly?  I doubt it.
 Especially when there are plenty of choices in the market out there
(Android does support Flash).

Even if there were grounds for a lawsuit and a law firm took the case
and even if the lawsuit was successful, these types of lawsuits take
years to get through the courts. During that time, it's possible Flash
would continue to lose support, so even a successful lawsuit could be
too late to save Flash (the Microsoft antitrust case couldn't save
Netscape).  In the long run, I believe all that would be accomplished
would be a bunch of lawyers getting even richer.


Scott Brady

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