And, in the same way:

I don't disagree with Apple's (Adobe's) right to do whatever they like with
their products,
and if I was Steve Jobs (Adobe) I'd probably do the exact same thing,
because it's a sensible business decision. It's also a sensible decision for
not to voluntarily enter their "walled garden" ( or land of too-high-a-price
for too little benefit),
since better and freer alternatives exist.

But, you did express an emotional, not rational, response to Apple's

> The strict control of the App Store does suck. The fact that you can't
> have a native Google Voice app because it might affect AT&Ts profit
> sucks. The fact that Apple can remove or block apps from the App Store
> for any reason they like sucks.

Now that doesn't sounds suspiciously like an emotional, rather than
rational, response, Dave...
Your choice is to "buy it or don't buy it"...

> For some reason, I expect programmers to have a better "grasp of logic"
(response to business rationale)
> than they do, and I am constantly disappointed.

However, based on the first paragraph, I think we're in complete agreement.

Whoa! :o)


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 1:45 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion Builder Released!

> Hmmm...but it's Apple's phone, Dave.
> And, like CFBuilder and Adobe, they can do anything they like with it.
> Restricting builders and suppliers has always been the hallmark of Apple,
> for good and for ill to the company and their customers.
> You seem to have a very strong opinion about Apple's handling of their
> product, but you don't allow the same for others who have a very strong
> opinion about Adobe's handling of CFBuilder.
> You're not being very rational about this situation, Dave.  Apple
> should only do what is in the best interest of Apple.  They're not in
> business for their customers, but only what they can get from them.

For some reason, I expect programmers to have a better grasp of logic
than they do, and I am constantly disappointed. That is, apparently,
irrational behavior.

I am not advising Apple to change their behavior. To the extent that
I'm advising anyone to do anything, I'm advising people who might buy
Apple products that they might be better served by buying other
products instead. I don't disagree with Apple's right to do whatever
they like with their products, and if I was Steve Jobs I'd probably do
the exact same thing, because it's a sensible business decision. It's
also a sensible decision for me not to voluntarily enter their walled
garden, since better and freer alternatives exist.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
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