Sorry...left off some other comments previously...

> Not that it's a bad product, or that it carries onerous restrictions.
> And you had the same beef with CF - you argued on this very list for years
> about how painful it would be to your precious wallet to upgrade.

Wrong on both accounts.  I never said CF Builder carries "onerous
As was pointed out by Casey, you may be, in this case, too, attributing
to me that someone else made.  However, I don't see where CF Builder carries
any objectionable restrictions.  It's a matter of value.  It adds too little
for the price.  That's the objection.  They want too much money for the
Not that the price wouldn't be appropriate for another product.  I think DW
would be fine at $300 (or $400, as someone pointed out).

And, I may beef with Adobe about upgrading was that they quit offering
prices to those of us still using early version of CF Server.  I can
why they do it, but it doesn't mean that I like it.

And, yes, $1200 is not always easy to shell out for a sole proprietor,
when the gains from the product didn't appear to be that valuable above what
already needed the product to do.  That did change with CF 8, however.  I
changes to the server that would help my work a lot...specifically with
since virtually all the work I do involves processing images.

And yes, since it's my wallet and my money that I'm spending, it precious to
My family depends on me making wise choices with my money.  I don't make
to be oblivious to the costs of doing business.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [] 
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 5:41 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: ColdFusion Builder Released!

> I simply have said Adobe price CFB too high.

No, you said a lot more than that. You said that it wasn't fair for
Adobe to price CFB at $300, since Dreamweaver was around the same
amount and that was an "original work", and that this was an incentive
for you not to buy CFB even if it would make sense financially. You
mentioned "this is more of a moral argument than a financial one."

> I'm entitled to that advice, as you are to suggest
> that Apple's control of their product "sucks" if that,
> in a word, is not a personal opinion that Apple should change
> their business plan and customers should consider carefully
> before using the iPhone and supporting Apple's approach.

No, that is not a personal opinion that Apple should change anything.
That is a personal opinion that potential Apple customers shouldn't
buy some of their products, because they restrict what you can do with
them in arguably objectionable ways and because there are other
products that fill the same niche pretty well. Apple should certainly
not change their business plan on my account, because frankly it's a
pretty good plan.

Your sole beef with CFB is that it's too expensive. Not that it's a
bad product, or that it carries onerous restrictions. And you had the
same beef with CF - you argued on this very list for years about how
painful it would be to your precious wallet to upgrade.

And you're entitled, of course, to say whatever you like. Just as
others are entitled to criticize your statements. And vice-versa. But
again, some statements are logical, and others aren't.

> No difference to me...
> Apparently, you're looking for simple distinctions that
> exist only in your mind.
> Whatever,'s been fun, just have a great weekend, Dave! :o)

Perhaps some minds are too simple to understand the distinction. That
doesn't mean there isn't one, of course.

You have a great weekend too.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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