You are an asshole Mr Griefer!!!....over to you Michael..

I've worn my delete button out..eck, I've developed RSI from the single action 
of deleting my emails...enough already.

The author of the next reply this thread is an ass...  


On 30 Mar 2010, at 18:46, Charlie Griefer <> wrote:

Heh... I know I did my part to contribute to the spiraling thread of death,
but I agree.  We've long passed the point of diminishing returns here and
seem to be stuck in a loop.

Somebody... anybody... feel free to call me an asshole so Michael shuts down
the thread due to personal attacks :)

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 10:25 AM, G Allen R Souliere <> wrote:

Though I'm not a particularly religious man, AMEN!

Roger Austin wrote:
This whole discussion has gotten tedious and needs to go off-line.
Adobe software has never been cheap. Acrobat, Photoshop, etc. People
purchase the packages because they need them and have no other
choices, or because they believe they are a good value for their

I don't plan on purchasing CFBuilder any time soon since I don't
believe it is ready at version 1. I have been using CFEclipse
lately and it does almost everything that I need. I may change
my mind later when corporate IT allows us to use CF9. Or, maybe
Josh Adams will convince me tonight at the TACFUG event in RTP.
-- Home of the Clean/Dirty Magnet TACFUG 2010 Conference in North Carolina

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