On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 12:04 PM, Dave Watts wrote:
>> I've worn my delete button out..eck, I've developed RSI from the single 
>> action of deleting
>> my emails...enough already.
> One nice thing about using Gmail for this is the ability to "mute" a
> thread, so future responses will automatically be marked as read.
> http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=47787
>> The author of the next reply this thread is an ass...
> D'oh!

Leave it to Dave to reply with something helpful, vs. calling Charlie
the scum-ridden afterbirth of a syphilistic-cow with hemorrhoids (I
heard he has sex with goats, too!), or some such.

*shakes head*

:Den "asshole-ly-oh" Uno

Belief is nothing but a more vivid, lively, forcible, firm, steady
conception of an object, than what the imagination alone is ever able
to attain.
David Hume

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