If you are checking for the site to be up, you may as well check that 
everything is working ok also.. What I do is use cfhttp to get my 
home page - but I add a special url parameter which tells my page to 
add an entire record from my user's database at the bottom of the 
page. (I use my own record so I know if I made any recent changes).
I then compare that page to a copy I store in the database.  (I mark 
changeable sections like my banner ad  so I do not count that part of 
the page).. if it is different, I save the page into the database and 
send a text alert to my cellphone which tells me a change has been 
made.. along with a link to a page on my website which shows me the 
code view of the old version as well as the new version so I can see 
what has changed.

This allows me to:
1. Know if the page is working
2. Know if the page has changed (as in the recent ftp hacks)
3. Know if the database was hacked
4. Know if the database server is working

At 11:36 AM 4/6/2010, you wrote:

>Is there a way to use cfhttp to see if a site is down? Does it 
>involve using #HTMLCodeFormat(cfhttp.FileContent)# to see if a 403 
>error is downloaded?

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