Help me, I think I'm falling... here's an odd request for a certain
individual.  Joni's official site is hosted on a GoDaddy server (don't
ask) running CF8.  They keep shutting it down for overloading the
server - asking me to streamline the code to avoid continued
violations.  I'm sure my code sucks, but it's been on other servers
without issue from those hosts.

Would anyone out there, perhaps a Joni fan, volunteer to take a look
at some code, shake their head in disgust at the awfulness of it, and
help me rewrite inefficient sections?  This feels a bit like walking
naked through a crowd, but hey....

In return, I'll put a link to whatever site you want in the footer of
every page, and of course you'll have the satisfaction of helping out
all the Joni fans across the globe.  The site gets about 2500 unique
visitors a day.

Thanks in advance,

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