Don't use cffile , use cfhttp instead.
Something like

<cfhttp url="" method="get"

<cffile action=write output=cfhttp.content>


Justin MacCarthy

>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Allred [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 4:01 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: CFFILE help
>I'm not a newbie to CF, but I am to CFFILE. I have an idea how to take an
>existing template that queries for any of about 50 educational courses, and
>displays the course and section info for them, and create static HTML files
>instead. Any advice would be appreciated.
>category.cfm displays a list of all the courses. The links are displayed on
>the page as <LI>s with the course number passed to a second file used to
>display the course information-- course.cfm.
>course.cfm displays the actual information for each course offered,
>including section or meeting dates.
>Previously, I created a file, called course2htm.cfm that writes all the
>information for a course as I need the file to appear on the web (we don't
>have CF Server available to the world - so the files have to be non-CF),
>but I have to copy the html, and paste it into an html file. Multiply that
>by 50 or more, and it's not pretty.
>I'm thinking that I could use CFFILE either within the first file,
>category.cfm and create the html files when I click on the links, or I
>could use CFFILE within, or in conjunction with the second file,
>course2htm.cfm, to create the files I need.
>My CFWACK is at home, so all I have is the CFML Language Reference
>(eeeuuwww!). I may figure it out before a response comes back, but if
>anyone could offer some quick tips, I sure would appreciate it.
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