Thanks for the code block Bryn.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Bryn Parrott <
> wrote:

> >Dave,
> >
> >No, that's not the outcome desired, of course. I want the download window
> to
> >pop up and then when the accept the download, they are redirected.
> >
> >Maybe I can get close wrapping the cfdocument tag in a cfthread?
> >
> >Nando
> >
> >
> >
> Faced with a similar problem in CF 8 some time ago, I used some javascript
> (not cflocation) at the bottom of the document like this:
> <cfdocument  filename="#tempfile#" format="PDF" pagetype="A4"
> margintop="0.5" marginbottom="0.5" marginright="0.5" marginleft="0.5"
> orientation="portrait" unit="cm" encryption="none" fontembed="Yes"
> overwrite="Yes" backgroundvisible="Yes" bookmark="False" localUrl="yes">
> <your pdf html code goes here....>.
> .
> .
> </cfdocument>
> <cfif fileexists(tempfile) and attributes.command eq 'file'>
>        <cfset thisresult = ordersobj.sendpdfquotefile(session.user,
> client_order_id, tempfile)>
>        <cfif thisresult.insertsuccess>
>                <script language="JavaScript">
>                        alert("The Job Sheet PDF File has now been sent via
> email");
>                        parentWin=self.opener;
>                        parentWin.location.reload(true);
>                        window.close();
>                </script>
>        <cfelse>
>                <cfoutput>
>                <script language="JavaScript">
>                        alert("There was a problem generating and sending
> the PDF file: #thisresult.msg#");
>                        window.close();
>                </script>
>                </cfoutput>
>        </cfif>
> </cfif>
> Do whatever you want in the Javascript...including 'window.location'....
> There is also the possibility of making use of the 'OnRequestEnd' event,
> and perhaps you could do a cflocation in there if you are wedded to this
> (but I have found that window.location works fine for me; as it acheives the
> same end.)
> Bryn Parrott

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