I am not sure if the Spreadsheet functions support the concept of a "blank 
cell". You could cheat and use the underlying POI functions. But I too am 
curious if anyone knows a supported method of doing this.

   // ...    
   variables.sheet = variables.spObj.getWorkBook().getSheetAt( 0 );

   for (i=2;i LTE qryTarget.Recordcount; i=i+1) {
         SpreadsheetSetCellValue(variables.spObj, 'overflowoverflow 
overflowoverflow overflowoverflow overflowoverflow ', i, 1 );
         // data starts at row 1. so physical and logical rows are the same
        variables.row = variables.sheet.getRow( i-1 );
        variables.cell = variables.row.getCell( 1 );
        variables.cell.setCellType( variables.cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK );
        // ....



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