If you want A1 to overflow into B1, then do not set anything for B1. For 
example, notice how this code sets a value for A1 and C1, but skips B1? As long 
as you do not touch the adjacent cell (B1), it will be considered blank. So any 
text to the left of it will overflow into that cell.

   cfSheet = SpreadsheetNew("foo");
   SpreadsheetSetCellValue(cfSheet, 'this text should overflow', 1, 1);
   SpreadsheetSetCellValue(cfSheet, 'short text', 1, 3);
   saveToFile = ExpandPath("test-blank-cell.xls");
   SpreadsheetWrite(cfsheet, saveToFile, true);
   WriteOutput("Saved file: "& saveToFile &"<br>");


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