I can't figure this thing out for the life of me, and I know it's got to 
be something simple that I'm missing. 

Here's what I'm trying to do.  I'm using jQuery to hit a CFC and return 
data.  The CFC actually queries the database, loops through results and 
creates list items for each row.  I then return the list items to 
jQuery, which populates my UL with them.  Here's my problems and what 
I've done so far:

    * returning the data from my CFC as a string causes jQuery to
      actually display the html code in the brower, so I literally see
      "<li>Eric Cobb</li>".
    * returning the data as JSON shows the list items correctly, but my
      page is littered with "\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t" at the end of every record.
    * I used a regex to clean up all of the line breaks, carriage
      returns, and tabs in my CFC before returning to jQuery and that works.
    * In every record that contains a slash "/" in the data, the slash
      has been replaced with "\\\/". 
    * Nothing I do can get rid of these slashes.  I've tried RegEx,
      SerializeJSON(), and JSStringFormat() in CF, and a whole whoost of
      jQuery escape(), html(), text(), and replace() functions, and
      nothing works. 

I think my biggest problem is that I've staring at and fighting with 
this thing for too long.

Here's my method:

    <!--- get a list of all external customers for AJAX calls --->
    <cffunction name="AJAXgetAllCustomers" access="remote" 
output="false" returnformat="json">
        <!--- create a struct to hold our local variables. --->
        <cfset var loc = structNew()>

        <!--- returns a query. --->
        <cfset loc.custList = getAllCustomers() />              
        <cfsavecontent variable="loc.rtnContent">
            <cfoutput query="loc.custList">
                <li>#Trim(loc.custList.full_name)# - 
#Trim(loc.custList.addr_line1)#, #Trim(loc.custList.city)#, 
        <!--- remove all line breaks, carriage returns, and tabs. --->
        <cfset loc.rtnContent = 

        <cfreturn SerializeJSON(Trim(loc.rtnContent))>

And here is my jQuery call:

        <script type="text/javascript">

So, can someone please tell me how to escape the characters so that I 
can get rid of the "\\\/" in my display output?  And while I'm on the 
subject, surely there has got to be a better way than having to manually 
escape every character individually that may cause problems.  I 
shouldn't have to run regex and whatnot to make everything work.  In my 
mind, SerializeJSON() (or returnformat="json" for that matter) should 
have everything escaped and formatted nicely for jQuery, who should then 
know how to parse everything and display is correctly.  Am I wrong? 



Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

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