Thank you everybody for your responses to my question below.  The issue hasn't 
been resolved yet but I haven't had much time to work on it either.

I wanted to clarify a couple points on my earlier email:

1. I didn't meant to say that the information they gave me on their database 
"is" wrong, but rather that it "could be" wrong.

2. It's not that they weren't going to give me DB access, but just that since 
it was day one with a new client I didn't have it yet.

If/when we get the situation resolved I'll post what the issue was.

Thanks again,
- Andrew.

> My understanding and experience is that a well-architected application 
> should NEVER experience a SQL deadlock.  If I am incorrect in this 
> premise, please let me know.
> Based on that assumption, I'm trying to diagnose a client's deadlock 
> problem.  They are a new client.  I have a copy of their code and a 
> copy of the error, but don't have access to their SQL Server 2005 
> database.  I'm told the database has no stored procedures, no 
> functions, triggers, or external jobs running on it, but I suppose 
> that information is wrong.
> They have 3 pages with <cftransaction> around some code.  It appears 
> that this is the code that's throwing this sort of error:
> "Error","jrpp-717","06/09/10","13:47:16","SomeSiteName","Error 
> Executing Database Query.[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC 
> Driver][SQLServer]Transaction (Process ID 187) was deadlocked on lock 
> resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock 
> victim. Rerun the transaction. The specific sequence of files included 
> or processed is: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\SomeSiteName\index.cfm, line: 270 
> "
> The error isn't actually in index.cfm but I can deduce what page it's 
> on as the site isn't very large and there aren't many queries around 
> line 270 of any pages.
> I tried setting the isolation level to "serializable", thinking that 
> would bypass the deadlocks.  However, they're still happening.  If 
> there's nothing else hitting the databases, and if the queries are 
> simple inserts/updates, "should" there still be deadlocks?
> Thanks,
> - Andrew.

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