
I'm a newbie, so please don't expect this answer to be elegant!  ;-)

Is the problem that you do not know for sure which "sub-"variables will
appear within returnURL?  If so, the first (ugly) solution that pops to mind
is writing a quick routine to loop through the returnURL string, manually
pulling out the individual variables based on the ?, &, and = characters.
But maybe some of the more advanced folks know of a "URL variables
collection" through which you can loop automatically?

OK.  Here's an even uglier answer.  If you want to pass the returnURL string
as one indivisible string, and you do not want CF to recognize the
"sub-"variables as variables, you could come up with your own codes for the
?, &, and = characters.  For example, the ? could be QQQ.  Then, the
receiving page just decodes it.

Hope this helps (or at least entertains!!),


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Wolfinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 11:21 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: creating an url return string
> Hey Guys:
> I have an application that lets you browse a message board, 
> however if you would like to post a response you need to 
> log-in (in you arn't already).  After you log-in, it takes a 
> parameter passed through the url called returnURL and sends 
> the user after the authentication to that url.  The problem 
> is that the returnURL has multiple parameters to it sometimes 
> (e.g. 
> returnURL=/message/index.cfm?action=submit-response&message_id
> =foo&refURL=/foo/index.cfm)
> How can I return the user to that page keeping in tact all of 
> the URL parameters?
> thanx,
> greg
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