> Obviously, Dave.  I was referring to higher level languages, where a
> decision can be made (and has been in the case of CFML) to use a more
> "humanist" approach to array indexing.

I'm confused. Aren't you the same guy who a few minutes ago wrote "A
whole other discussion is whether it was smart for CFML to 'correct'
this issue." So, you don't clearly appear to be in favor of CF
behaving differently from lower-level languages. But most other
programming languages are essentially based on C/C++ in syntax, and
those are lower-level languages. So are you saying that C-style
languages should behave differently? Or that some C-style languages -
arguably "higher-level" languages like Java and C#? - should behave
differently from others? Don't take this as a personal attack or
anything - it's not - I just don't really understand your point.

This is basically the argument for COBOL, and look how that turned
out. If you want to be a competent programmer, right now, you need to
understand pretty well how computers work. That may not be the case in
the future, but it is right now. CF hides a lot of the complexity of
computers, but it can't hide all of the complexity. This is why, in my
opinion, many CF programmers who don't have this deeper understanding
write programs that fail as their scope, complexity or usage grow

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite

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