On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Won Lee wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 9:57 PM, denstar wrote:
>> So /that's/ why my ascii art is all mangled!  ;]
>>         ,
>>     -   \O                                     ,  .-.___
>>   -     /\                                   O/  /xx\XXX\
>>  -   __/\ `                                  /\  |xx|XXX|
>>     `    \, ()                              ` << |xx|XXX|
>>  jgs^^^^^^^^`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


@Keven -- Awesome take on it.  "I'm there dude".  =)

@Roger -- It's so good, we played it at our wedding (barefoot up in
the mountains).  T'was Perfecto!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

If there really is such a thing.  =)


As our bodies live upon the earth and find sustenance in the fruits
which it produces, so our minds feed on the same truths as the

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