I have a client with a CF7 site on shared hosting (CrystalTech). They wanted a 
nice 404 handler page so I set one up via IIS. This only caught non-CF files 
(e.g. .html). Any CF file (like cfm, cfc, etc.) was still be handed off to 
ColdFusion which would return a 404. I had CrystalTech change the IIS setting 
for this site for it to verify existence of all files no matter the file type. 
This worked well or so I thought.

I see now that all Flash features are busted (cfchart, cfcalendar, etc.) and 
returning 404s. A little Googling shows this is a known thing in the CF world. 
ColdFusion handles Flash features like this by referring to non-existent files 
and then intercepts requests to these "magic named" files. This breaks if IIS 
is testing for file existence first. The solution frequently recommended is to 
create a 0-length file of the name CF is looking for to make IIS happy.

- If I go that route, CF seems to look for some files in my docroot and some 
files in the CFIDE dir. I can't get to the latter in shared hosting so seems 
like this isn't the way (?).
- The files CF looks for in my docroot have crazy numbering in them. Is this a 
stable URL or do I need to create a zillion dummy files?
- This would all be easier in CF8/9 with the OnMissingTemplate handler but the 
upgrade from CF7 is a ways off. Is there any equivalent in CF7? I'm in shared 
hosting so don't believe the CFIDE site-wide handler is an option.

Any suggestions?


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