It's just a java project right now, but the plan is to leverage it to
power a CFML application similar to quickdocs, etc., but with
different engines in mind, blah blah blah.

CFEclipse was the motivation for this...  I'm in the process of
switching the way dictionaries are handled to a more flexible and
collaborative type of deal.  Pull updates from a URL, add/update/share
dictionaries easily, etc..

It's a shame that a squatter appears to hold cfml dot org, it would be
really nifty to have, etc..

The CFML application/website is a bit of a pipe dream at this point,
but I'm actively working on the actual java library for interacting
with CFML dictionaries, which is more pressing for me ATM.

I really need to just bite the bullet and get a VPS somewhere,
otherwise the CFML applications will continue to be dreams.  Maybe
I'll try for now.  :)

Yes, I can do it all-- I'm "special" like that.  HOOAH! =)p

Should be done by about 2018.


A specter is haunting Europe - the specter of communism.
Karl Marx

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Maureen wrote:
> Link?
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 12:40 PM, denstar wrote:
>> Er, cfmldictionary?  ;

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