
The error suggests something coming back from the first Oracle server. I
would start by searching the oracle docs for that message.


Mark A. Kruger, MCSE, CFG
(402) 408-3733 ext 105
Skype: markakruger

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave P [mailto:jda...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 8:12 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: oracle database link

Hello all,

Has anyone actually gotten a database link working from a CF server to a
second oracle server?

I'm trying a connection string:
create database link prodlink connect to <myusername> identified by <mypass>
using 'PROD';

and getting:

 Error Executing Database Query.
Executing the SQL statement is not allowed. 

The problem is that I am not the admin and have little oracle experience.
The DBA has little CF (or even web) experience.

It sounds like to me there is a permissions error in either the oracle DB,
or in CF.

I'm not sure which.  Of course i'm crunched for time.

Any ideas?  

Thank you,
Dave Powell

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