Here's the poor mans answer to applicationStop(), it works on CF7 & CF8.

|<||cfset| |application.setIsInited(false) />
See Mister Dai for a more detailed explanation:


Eric Cobb
ECAR Technologies, LLC

Raymond Camden wrote:
> That's by design. CF knows when an application starts. You can 'force'
> it a few ways.
> 1) In CF9, within onRequestStart, add a check for url.init (or some
> such), and run applicationStop(), you then need to reload the current
> request.
> 2) Or even simpler, within onRequestStart, add a check for a url var
> and simply do
> onApplicationStart();
> This will NOT single thread the call, but if you are just setting up a
> bunch of variables, you most likely do not need to be concerned.
> 3) I don't really recommend this, but you can also just rename the 
> application.
> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Matt Coldfusion <> wrote:
>> This doesnt work for me and I cannot work out why?
>> I run onApplicationStart in application.cfc and all my old application 
>> variables still exist, i have to restart the service all the time but i 
>> can't do this on my shared server.
>>>> What is another way besides creating a temp file to explicitly reset
>>>> those variables?
>>>> Is there a way to make the Application expire and restart (sort of
>>>> speak)?
>>> Here's what I use:
>>> <cffunction name="onRequestStart" returntype="void" output="false">
>>>  <cfif structKeyExists(url,"reinitApp")>
>>>    <cflock scope="application" type="exclusive" timeout="5" 
>>> throwontimeout="true">
>>>      <cfset onApplicationStart()>
>>>    </cflock>
>>>  </cfif>
>>> </cffunction>
>>> Then add ?reinitApp=1 in any url to restart the app
>>> Will

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