There is definitely a difference between CF8 and CF9. I understand
that the ext was changed to 3.x and I was wondering if anybody played
with the css  to make it work the same as CF8.

The following code works fine in CF8 but not CF9. I mean it works, but
the layout is different and I cannot make it to use the whole screen
real estate.

Hopefully somebody has a solution because  I hit a wall.

<cflayout type="border">
        <cflayoutarea position="top" title="Top Layout Area">
           This is the top layout area.

        <cflayoutarea position="center" name="center" overflow = "hidden" >
                <cflayout type="tab" tabheight="100%" name="mytabs">
                   <cflayoutarea title="Tab 1" name="t1">
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>
                                <p>This is the first tab.</p>

                   <cfloop index="x" from="2" to="5">
                        <cflayoutarea title="Tab #x#" name="t#x#">
                                <cfoutput><p>This is tab number 

                        <cflayoutarea title="D Tab" name="hiddentab" 
                                This is the hidden tab. Can't touch this.


   <cflayoutarea position="bottom" title="Bottom Layout Area">
                This is the bottom layout area.

  <cflayoutarea position="left" title="Menu" splitter="true"
collapsible="true" size="200" maxsize="200">
   <a href="javaScript:ColdFusion.navigate('center2.cfm','center')">Link
One</a><br />
   <a href="">Link Two</a><br />
   <a href="">Link Three</a><br />

   <cflayoutarea position="right" title="Right Layout Area"
splitter="true" collapsible="true">
   This is the right layout area.



On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Victor Moore <> wrote:
> I have the following layout and I can't make it work.
> All I want is the header and footer to be fixed size and the center to
> expand to fill the size of the screen.
> Thanks
> <cflayout name="outerlayout" type="vbox" style="width:939; height:100%">
>    <cflayoutarea style="height:100%;background-color:##0080c0; " >
>        <cflayout name="alayout"  type="border"
> style="background-color:##ccc;border:3px solid ##ccc;">
>                     <cflayoutarea position="top" size="150" align="center"
> splitter="false" style="background-color:##00ffff;; ">
>                        header
>            </cflayoutarea>
>            <cflayoutarea       title="" position="left" closable="false"
> collapsible="false" name="left" splitter="false" size="230"
>                                style="background-color:##ccc;">
>                <cflayout name="left" type="accordion" fillHeight="true"
> style="width:200;">
>                                        <cflayoutarea title="hey" >
>                                        <h6>Some stuff</h6>
>                                                </cflayoutarea>
>                                </cflayout>
>            </cflayoutarea>
>            <cflayoutarea position="center" name="center"
> style="background-color:##FFF;">
>                 main stuff
>            </cflayoutarea>
>            <cflayoutarea position="bottom" splitter="false"
> size="70" overflow="hidden

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