ColdFusion 7 is no longer supported by Adobe. Therefore only customers
who have "extended support", which you pay for, are entitled to a fix
for CF7.

But has already been pointed out, just restrict your /CFIDE.


On 11 August 2010 22:17, Gerald Guido <> wrote:
> Wait a second
> According the ProCheckUp site the vulnerability affects
> ColdFusion MX7 7,0,0,91690 base patches
> ColdFusion MX8 8,0,1,195765 base patches
> ColdFusion MX8 8,0,1,195765 with Hotfix4
> And Adobe's Security bulletin says it affects ColdFusion 8.0, 8.0.1, 9.0,
> 9.0.1 and earlier versions for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX
> Are there no patches for CF 7.01 or below?
> G?
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Procheckup news <>wrote:
>> Millions of users of Adobe痴 ColdFusion programming language are at risk of
>> losing control of their applications and websites.
>> Penetration testing company ProCheckUp were able to access every file
>> including username and passwords from a server running ColdFusion. This was
>> completed through a directory traversal and file retrieval flaw found within
>> ColdFusion administrator. A standard web browser was used to carry out the
>> attack; knowledge of the admin password is not needed.
>> A competent attacker would be able to steal files from the server and gain
>> access to secure areas as well and eventually modify content or shut down
>> the website or application.
>> Richard Brain of ProCheckUp commented 典his is a trivial attack which can
>> be performed easily by a competent engineer; ProCheckUp thanks Adobe for
>> consciously working with us to produce a patch which fixes the traversal
>> attack. By performing a simple Google search for inurl:index.cfm, it was
>> found that over 80 million examples of  sites using Coldfusion.
>> Procheckup has released an advisory relating to this flaw, though will not
>> publish the exploit code for 7 days giving administrators time to apply the
>> Adobe patches. Procheckup felt it unwise to delay releasing the exploit any
>> longer, as the exploit is trivial and can be easily determined by analysing
>> the patches.
>> The full details of the vulnerability can be found on

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