I'm sorry this is off-topic here,  but I've written to Fred  and
haven't had an answer.

I bought a copy of CKFinder the other day and I'm installing it into
my CMS on the domain alacastinaswh.com.au   only it's still showing as
demo version even after i added the licence details to the config.cfm
file as per the instructions.

I have written to Fred, but after a couple of days I havent had an answer yet.

Does anyone know if i buy it for the domain alacastinaswh.com.au,
then install it into a subdomain (e.g.
http://cms.alacastinaswh.com.au)  will that invalidate the licence and
show on the CKFinder as a demo version?     I guess what I'm asking is
whether i need to go back to Fred to get a variation in the licence,
or whether i need to look for something else I might have wrong.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
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