There's JExcelAPI, too.  It's API is pretty straightforward.

I've got a custom tag for it... only tested on Railo recently though...


Make your educational laws strict and your criminal ones can be
gentle; but if you leave youth its liberty you will have to dig
dungeons for ages.
Michel de Montaigne

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Tony Bentley wrote:
> I started to write the code answer but I'm afraid I didn't have time today.
> The short answer is that POI is probably the only option since there aren't
> really any other options within Java and your binary conversion method
> failed.
> To get the process going, I suggest reading your file in as a query object
> (using either Ben's POI utility or CF9). Then loop through the rows,
> columns. Mark each instance and store those coordinates (x,y). After looping
> through the sheets, columns and rows, use a method  that sets the value for
> each occurrence. Then rewrite your file and you're finished.

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