Is it using the CLIENT scope, with vars in the db? Is it storing 
things in the COOKIE scope, and checking that scope on login for 
previously entered credentials?

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Community Professional - ColdFusion
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"

On 9/20/2010 1:45 PM, Eric Cobb wrote:
> So, I was working locally on an application today and I needed to
> restart my CF services.  Much to my surprise, after I bounced CF I came
> back to my application and I was not forced back to the login screen as
> I would have expected.  Rather, all of my session info was still there.
> I then shut down CF, clicked around in my application to make sure
> everything was down, then brought CF back up and my session info was
> still alive in my application.
> So, I did a little research and came across this
> (
> where it states:
> /If you use J2EE session management and configure the J2EE server to
> retain session data between server restarts, ColdFusion retains session
> variables between server restarts./
> Ok, I'm using J2EE sessions, so now I know what's going on.  Now, my
> question is, how do I turn it off?  Adobe hints that you can configure
> the J2EE server to retain session data, but gives no clue as to where or
> how.  All I've found is the checkbox to enable/disable J2EE sessions.
> Also, is this something that is turned ON or OFF by default?  I'm just
> wondering if I accidentally turned it on, or if it's always been on and
> I never noticed it.

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