I don't know what to tell you. CF is obviously getting in your way in way or
another when it comes to properly targeting your form. I think you're just
going to have to troubleshoot the normal way. There's a few suggestions I
can make. Perhaps add some alerts or console.log's to your code to see if
you can diagnose why you can't set access.

Change your script block at the bottom to include some other stuff

alert(document.LoginForm); // this should alert [object] and if it does
tells you at least that the object exists
alert(document.LoginForm.name); // this should alert LoginForm
alert(document.LoginForm.AccessID); .//this should alert [object][object] I
alert(document.LoginForm.AccessID.name); //this should alert AccessID.

If all those alerts (or you can change them to console.log if you prefer)
behave as I've written then the objects are all there and named properly and
you _should_ be able to set focus as normal.

That's a start anyway.

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:50 PM, John Pullam <jpul...@mcleansystems.com>wrote:

> Yes. That's what occurs when it tries to execute the line
> document.LoginForm.AccessID.focus();
> That's what I'm trying to solve.

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