I'm not totally sure, but I do notice that when I restart my CF server,
there is an entry for the scheduled task in the log stating that it is
paused.  Could it be that that date updates every time the CF Server
tries to run (on its scheduled time) but doesn't actually run it.  Or
maybe instead of trying to run it, every time it checks the jobs to see
if they are runnable it updates.

Again, I have no idea, just some possible suggestions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Watson [mailto:skyg...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:44 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: CF9 Paused Scheduled Tasks Still Running

I've got about 20 scheduled tasks set up in a CF9 installation, and I
have every single one of them PAUSED. Yes, the second icon from the left
in the "Actions" column of the Scheduled Tasks page in CF Admin shows as
a "green light" document, with the title (tool tip) of "Resume Scheduled
Task" for every task. These tasks are definitely PAUSED. Yet the "Last
Run" is continually updating with a new date/time at every interval
specified by the task settings. Now, I have most of these tasks set up
to save output to a file, and those files are not being created, so that
leads me to believe that these tasks are indeed NOT running, contrary to
what the date/times in the "Last Run" column is telling me. Is this a
known bug? 

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