I can output the value of the session vars like so:

<cfloop query="memberInfoFields">

but this is not working correctly:

<cfloop query="memberInfoFields">
<input type="text" name="#STRFIELDNAME#"
value="#session.memberRegister[STRFIELDNAME]#" size="30"

the value of the field is blank.

what am I doing wrong?

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Leigh <cfsearch...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > Now, how do I check for the existance of and use these
> > dynamic variables to
> > set my form values?
> The same way as before. Use array notation. No need for the extra # signs.
> ie
> <cfif session.memberRegister[ STRFIELDNAME ] eq "someValue">
>  something here...
> </cfif>
> BTW: Most scopes in CF are structures. So associative array notation will
> work with most variables.

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