I figured it out:

I had code that was resetting the values:

<cfif NOT isDefined("session.memberRegister.STRFIELDNAME")>
          <cfset "session.memberRegister.#STRFIELDNAME#" = "">

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Monique Boea <moniqueb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I get the results when I user your code
> Debug value of strInstUsername =
> Debug value of strLanguage =
> Debug value of strInstEmail = m...@aol.com
> Debug value of strGender = Female
> Debug value of strDegrees = Associate Degree
> Debug value of strEmployeeNum =
> Debug value of strDepartment =
> Debug value of strResearchRole = Interviewer
> Debug value of strAddress1 =
> Debug value of strAddress2 =
> Debug value of strAddress3 =
> Debug value of strCity = Decatur
> Debug value of strState =
> Debug value of strZip =
> Debug value of strCountry = USA
> Debug value of strPhone = 5678887666
> Debug value of strCustom1 =
> Debug value of strCustom2 =
> Debug value of strCustom3 = lkln
> Debug value of strCustom4 =
> Debug value of strCustom5 =
> On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Leigh <cfsearch...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Is it possible the value of those keys is actually blank? In previous code
>> you were setting the default value to "".
>> Output the value before the inputs. What do you see?
>> <cfoutput>
>> <cfloop query="memberInfoFields">
>> Debug value of #STRFIELDNAME# = #session.memberRegister[STRFIELDNAME]#
>> <input type="text" name="#STRFIELDNAME#"
>> value="#session.memberRegister[STRFIELDNAME]#" size="30"><br>
>> </cfloop>
>> </cfoutput>

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