On CF9 by default there are 2 entries in the debugging IP's
You need to remove these if you want debugging to be visible to everyone.

Russ Michaels
www.cfmldeveloper.com - free CFML hosting for developers
my blog: http://russ.michaels.me.uk/
skype: russmichaels

-----Original Message-----
From: Monique Boea [mailto:moniqueb...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 02 November 2010 12:25
To: cf-talk
Subject: Debugging output is not working


We have a new CF 9 server and the debugging output is set in the
administrator but it still doesn't show on the page.

I asked the server admin about it and here is his reply:

*The debugger had to be turned on, port set (5005), and CF restarted. I have
done this and setup redirects in the firewall for the IPs listed in the
debugger. Can you test and let me know its working.*

*It's still not working. Any suggestions?*

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