On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:16 PM, Dave Watts <dwa...@figleaf.com> wrote:
> Yes, in the very real sense that there is a finite amount of
> resources. I'd much rather have Adobe hire more CF product developers
> and testers, etc, than pay developers to rewrite their site.

Adobe, presumably, has developers who work on their site. The question
isn't about taking away CF product developers, it is about what
language to use to do that which is already being done...ie, building
the Adobe website. There is no good reason, that I'm aware of, to not
implement a gradual change plan, redoing one section of an app at a
time as you update and refresh things and using a new language (CF in
this case) to do so.

It isn't something I would expect to happen overnight, nor should it.
Rather a healthy policy of "eating your own dog food" should be put in
place to utilize their own products (CF, Flex, etc) for new projects
and ongoing development .


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