Thanks for all the replies. 

Some background info. My app converts Office documents and each conversion may 
run for a few minutes which is why I did not want to run this 'inline' but 
break the upload away from the conversion. 
For this reason I have a scheduled task that checks the database for new 
uploads and then converts them. 99% of the time there will not be a new file, 
but when there is then I'd like to minimise the time between upload and 
conversion start.

I considered threads but heard that there is a limit on CF Standard - potential 
headache if things get busy. 

"Schedule the same task as many times per minute you need, starting at 
different times."
I thought that too but what happens on server restart? Do all tasks re-init 
themselves at the same time? 

In the end I think once a minute is ok, but I will also ping now the page that 
handles the conversion shortly after the upload is complete. 

Out of interest: am I correct in thinking that if one task is running a 
conversion and the scheduled task fires again then this second process will not 
have to wait for the first conversion process to complete? So in essence I can 
achieve a level of multithreading in this way?



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