> listrest(listlast(thestring, "."), "/\") should give you 'var1/var2/var3/var4'

This seems to be working.  Thanks for the assist. Now I'll share the results. 

What I wanted to do was break any url containing obfuscated vars into into 
elements I could work with for queries, etc. This now seems to be working to do 
just that, regardless of the URL structure.

Now I can use urls like ... http://mypage.cfm/var1/var2/var3 instead of urls 
like http://mypage.cfm?var1=value1&var2=value2&var3=value3 Much better for SEO.

<cfset url_vars="#listrest(listlast(cgi.REQUEST_URI, "."), "/\")#" /> <!--- 
strips the variables obfuscated as '/' delmited values from the URI string --->
<cfset url_var_count=#listlen(url_vars, "/")#> <!--- counts the number of 
variables --->
<cfif url_var_count gt 0>
        <cfloop from=1 to=#url_var_count# index=i>
                <cfset "url_var#i#"=#listGetAt(url_vars, i,  "/")#> <!--- 
extracts variables and assigns each a numbered value 'url_varX'  --->

<!--- below is only used to see output list of created variables; not really 
needed to use the variables --->
<cfif url_var_count gt 0>
        <cfloop from=1 to=#url_var_count# index=i>
                Variable#i#=#evaluate("url_var#i#")#<br />
        No / delimited variables found in URL string

Robert B. Harrison
Director of Interactive Services
Austin & Williams
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F : 631.434.7022

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