First my earlier post completely disregarded the fact that you'd have "/"
chars BEFORE the .cfm, so sorry about neglecting that tid bit.

Secondly I'd like to recommend not using so many #'s where they aren't
needed. I've worked the code below to illustrate what I mean. Also, to avoid
#'s on the left hand side of assignment as well as reducing the use of
evaluate I'd recommend using either a struct or an array for storing your
"url_var" vars.

<cfset url_vars = listrest(listlast(cgi.REQUEST_URI, "."), "/\") /> <!---
strips the variables obfuscated as '/' delmited values from the URI string
<cfset ary_vars = ListToArray(url_vars,"/",true) /> <!--- Create array of
vars --->

<!--- below is only used to see output list of created variables; not really
needed to use the variables --->
<cfif ArrayLen(ary_vars)>


<cfloop from=1 to=#ArrayLen(ary_vars)# index=i>

Variable#i# = #ary_vars[i]#<br />



       No / delimited variables found in URL string

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